Simplify Your Next Move with These 5 Tips

Moving to a new property can be both exciting and challenging. To help make your transition smoother, we’ve complied five important tips for your next move.


Start organising at least a month before your move date. Create a timeline and checklist to track tasks, including packing, notifying relevant parties, and arranging transportation. Use this opportunity to sort through your belongings, donating, selling, or discarding items you no longer need.

Woman sitting on a stool in a room surrounded by moving boxes


Label boxes clearly with contents and the room they belong in. Pack room by room to stay organised. Prepare a “first day” box with essentials like toiletries, a change of clothes, basic tools, phone chargers, and snacks for immediate access in your new home.

A mans hands wrapping up vases with brown paper to pack


Book your moving vehicle well in advance if needed. For DIY moves, secure help from friends or family early. Create a schedule for moving day, including vehicle pickup and drop-off times. Keep valuable items and important documents with you during the move.

Man holding multiple moving boxes walking behind a woman carrying a plant
Hand of woman writing on paper on a desk with a mug on the table


Inform banks, doctors, employers, and other important contacts of your new address. Don’t forget to redirect your mail through the post office to ensure you don’t miss any important correspondence.

Key inside open door, showing outdoors


Before leaving your current property, clean thoroughly and repair any minor damages. Take photos to document its condition and return all keys and access cards. After moving, familiarise yourself with your new neighbourhood to settle in quickly and effectively monitor the property as a guardian.

By following these five important tips, you can significantly reduce the stress and challenges associated with moving. Remember, preparation is key to a successful transition. Take your time, stay organised, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. With careful planning and execution, you’ll be settled into your new home before you know it, ready to start this exciting new chapter in your life.