Implementing a managed decant strategy can be a complex & sensitive process. DEX guardians helped this G15 Housing Association smoothly manage their decant project in an efficient, timely & fair manner.
The Background
Our client, a G15 housing association, came to us in 2016 with a large housing block comprising 18 1-3 bedroom flats in a prominent South London location.
The property was due to go through a decant process as plans had been put forward for new use of the site.
Property guardians were the chosen method to secure the building, as they could backfill the property throughout the decant process & give the housing association more flexibility in providing notice for vacant possession.
Property guardians were able to provided round-the-clock security at zero cost to the housing association. By living in the void properties, guardians would secure the property against squatters & antisocial behaviour, giving peace of mind to the remaining tenants in return for flexible, central & affordable housing.
Getting the properties ready
Following an inspection, by a DEX Account Manager, it was established that the properties themselves required minimal work, as the facilities were already in situ. DEX did, however, ensure that the property was meeting its health & safety requirements & ensured that the necessary certification was in place.
Given the scale of works were minimal, DEX had the gas engineer certify the gas certificate within the day & had guardians ready to move in within 24 hours.
Guardian protection
Following an inspection, by a DEX Account Manager, it was established that the properties themselves required minimal work, as the facilities were already in situ. DEX did, however, ensure that the property was meeting its health & safety requirements & ensured that the necessary certification was in place.
Given the scale of works were minimal, DEX had the gas engineer certify the gas certificate within the day & had Guardians ready to move in within 24 hours.
The Outcome
Once taking over the property DEX were able to reach 100% occupancy within 1 day. Throughout the selling process, DEX have been able to provide constant access to the property, which has helped facilitate a faster sale of the site.
Property guardians have ensured the property has remained in meaningful use & that the site is secure & well maintained. The property will remain protected by DEX guardians until the new owners are ready to redevelop through DEX’s transferring service. DEX will then hand the property back, fully vacant, within 28 days.
All of this was achieved at zero cost to the Housing Association. Compared to traditional security costs it is estimated that the Housing Association could have made savings in excess of £120,000 pa.
Since its formation over 12 years ago, DEX Property Management has been at the forefront of the empty property management industry, building a rich history in helping commercial entities & other property owners including; councils, dioceses, housing associations & NHS trusts make use of vacant properties.
DEX is now the trusted property guardian provider for over 50% of the G15 housing associations & 1 in 3 London councils.