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Cost of Living Crisis and the Rise of Property Guardians

2020 -2021 saw some 32,000 people apply to become property guardians in the UK, but according to a recent BBC article* that figure is set to rise to 50,000 in 2022.

This sharp rise in demand for guardianship properties is without doubt a direct result of the cost of living crisis, matched with the distinct lack of affordable housing across the UK. As fuel bills sky rocket and people feel the pinch it’s clear individuals are looking for alternative ways to save money and live more affordably.

Equally this challenging economic climate puts pressure on companies and institutions who are sitting on empty properties, be it commercial or residential. When there is such a shortfall in affordable housing you could argue is it socially responsible to sit on void stock until development plans or regenerations plans are finalised? – Which can take many years.

Guardianship offers one solution. Most empty properties (even ones you might not immediately think of) can be made into habitable spaces for property guardians to live and thrive in. As guardians move into these otherwise empty properties they bring life back into the building and the local neighbourhood. Their presence deters squatters and anti-social behaviour, which benefits the whole community, they also help maintain and care for the building whilst living in it. In return for securing and looking after the property, guardians get to live there at a fraction of the market rate, often with their bills and utilities included.

Guardianship might not be the right solution for everyone, a lot of properties are houseshares and there are shorter notice periods, but for many, especially in the current world, it offers a real affordable alternative.

Read this recent article by the BBC offering a snapshot into life as property guardian…

*BBC News, 18th August 2022,

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Property Guardianship provides a solution for Gen Z & Millennials’ Hit Hard Financially By COVID-19

According to research carried out by SpareRoom, one in four people aged between 18-40 have been forced to borrow money as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pay cuts, unemployment  and furloughing have hit younger people the hardest, with 43% of 18-24 year olds and 30% of 25-40 year olds seeing their income reduced as a direct result of the pandemic. The result is that 32 % of 18-40 year olds have had to borrow money to pay for their rent and 16% have had to move back in with family to save money in the last 12 months.

With income reducing and living costs rising young people are finding themselves priced out of city living. But as the economy opens up and jobs draw younger people back to our city centres, low-cost and realistic housing options are needed.  

Protecting vacant buildings, in return for affordable accommodation in prime city-centre locations could provide one solution. Property Guardianship offers a win-win for both guardians and property owners. Empty buildings are converted into unique, temporary and affordable living spaces, in exchange for securing the property. Beautiful and often historic buildings are given a new lease of life, protected from anti-social behaviour and dilapidation and stopped from becoming a boarded-up eye sore.

Guardianship properties range from 1 bedroom flats through to large shared houses, with everything in-between. The majority of guardianship properties are lived in for over a year with some guardians living in the same property 5 years plus. Property guardians are legally entitled to 28 days’ notice and in the vast majority of cases similar properties are lined up for guardians to move straight into when their licences come to an end.

“DEX has been a god send. I am so happy to have found these people. I’ve been able to pay off my debt and live comfortably thanks to being a Guardian. Guardian life isn’t for everyone, but for me living in their properties has certainly helped me get myself sorted out financially.”

A DEX Property Management Guardian

How to become a property guardian

To find out more about guardianship in London, please visit or email your enquiry to

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Coronavirus Information for DEX Property Guardians

property guardians coronavirus

We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation on a daily basis and taking advice from government resources and guardianship experts.

Our first priority is to ensure that our staff and customers remain safe, whilst adhering to public health advice.

We are aware that we play a critical role in keeping properties and guardians safe and secure, especially at this unprecedented time. As a result we would like to reassure clients and guardians that we are still open for business.

Although we are remaining open, our priority is that everyone remains safe. As a result, all DEX office staff are now working from home until further notice.

To contact any member of the DEX Team during office hours, please call 07717 072577 and you will be directed to the correct contact.

For emergency out of hours assistance please continue to call the main office number, 0800 0855 994. You will hear an answerphone message, giving further instructions.

This is an evolving situation and information is changing daily. For the most up-to-date and accurate advice on the coronavirus outbreak please refer the following government and NHS websites:

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DEX Brave The Cold For Our Charity Partner, LandAid


On one of the coldest nights of the year, 4 hardy members of the DEX team took to the streets of London, to take part in the famous property sleepout, to show DEX’s continued support for youth homeless charity, LandAid.

The event saw over 300 property professionals, supplied with just a cardboard box, brave the cold overnight at the Oval cricket ground, London. Before bedding down, the DEX team listened to humbling talks, including that of George O’Neil, Chief Executive of the Cardinal Hume Centre. George talked about the impact LandAid funds were making to them, providing safe homes for vulnerable young people across the capital.

Of course, this event doesn’t come close to replicating the harsh reality of having to sleep rough, it does offer a chance to stand in solidarity with homeless individuals, raising funds and awareness of the issues too many young people face.

Rogier Donkersloot, Managing Director of DEX Property Management and one of the DEX Sleepout volunteers said “The event was a real eye-opener. I was slightly apprehensive beforehand, given the snow flurries we had in the morning, but I knew we were well prepared. It was an extremely cold evening, but I am aware it is nothing compare to what many young people have to face on a daily basis. As a company, we were delighted to raise close to £1,500 for LandAid, which is an amazing charity that we are very proud to support.”


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Winter Responsibilities for Property Guardians

secure empty property for winter

Dark days, early nights and extreme winter weather mean extra responsibility for property guardians over the colder months. We caught up with the two newest members of DEX’s Property Management Team, Kate and Jason, and asked them a series of questions, specifically related to securing Property Guardian buildings during winter….

Q: Our property has a big garden, what do I need to do to maintain it over the winter months?

A: Generally, gardens look after themselves in the colder months as plants don’t grow as rapidly, but there are a number of things Guardians should do to make sure the garden is ‘winter ready’. Trees surrounding property should really be cut back as they could damage the property in bad weather and I would encourage Guardians to call the Property Management team if there are any around their property. Fences can fall over in strong winds, so we recommend making sure everything is secure and sturdy and that smaller items, such as garden furniture, are safely stored away too.

Q: Last year we noticed water on the inside of our windows and the place smelt a little damp. What can we do to stop it this year?

A: Interior condensation occurs on the inside of windows and it happens in the winter when the warm air inside the house condenses on the cold windows. It’s a common issue, but there are many small changes Property Guardian to reduce the problem;

  • Ensure the house is ventilated
  • If it isn’t too cold, open the windows for short periods
  • Move houseplants away from the window, as they can produce moisture
  • Use extractor fans if available
  • Keep bathroom and kitchen doors closed

If a Guardian notices condensation, it’s important to try and take these precautionary steps, as if the problem goes untreated it could lead to mould forming. If the problem continues, DEX can provide moisture eliminators or dehumidifiers.

Q: The property we live is pretty old, are there any extra measures we should be taking when the temperature drops?

A: Make sure the property is wind and watertight by checking the exterior of the property. Guardians should look for broken or missing tiles, overflowing guttering or cracks in the walls. These can all lead to water getting into the property, older properties are more susceptible to leaks and they can result in more serious or structure issues. If leaks are identified the property management team should be notified immediately. Keep an eye out for damp, again older properties can be more susceptible. Making sure the property is well ventilated and that the heating is in regularly use can help reduce the problem.

Q: I heard that property related crime levels tend to increase over the winter, what extra security measures we should be taking?

A: Darker evenings and shorter days mean properties are more susceptible to crime in the winter months, than at any other time of the year. As a Guardian there are a few simple steps that can be made to improve security levels. Put lights are on in the property during the evening, to ensure the property looks visibility lived in. Having Property Guardians living in the property is the biggest deterrent to criminals, especially if the building has been empty previously. Ideally a Property Guardian would be in the property throughout the day and evening and obviously have all doors and windows locked and secure at all times.

If you are a DEX Property Guardian and you have any questions relating to property management or maintenance issues please contact the team directly on 0800 0855 994 or email
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Vacant Property Risks Rise Once The Clocks Go Back

secure empty property

Dark days, early nights and extreme winter weather mean added risk for empty properties. Buildings that stand vacant are exposed to greater threats over the cold months, risks include;


Winter Crime

Vacant properties are more susceptible to crime in the winter months than at any other time of the year. Research by Co-Op Insurance highlights that as soon as the clocks go back in October, property related crime increases as much as 36%.

Darker evenings and shorter days provide burglars and opportunist criminals with more opportunity under the cov­er of dark­ness, lead­ing to a rise in mali­cious dam­age and prop­er­ty insur­ance claims dur­ing the win­ter months.

Having property guardians residing in property gives around the clock protection, helping deter criminal activity. Guardians secure empty property and act as your eyes and ears on the ground and can report suspicious activity as soon as it occurs.


When the temperature drops, the chances of squatting increases. People who most need shelter will seek to enter the most vulnerable buildings, and there’s no doubt that unused buildings or those awaiting refurbishment are the most susceptible to squatters and break-ins.

Guardians ensure the property remains visibly occupied, acting as a deterrent against anti-social behaviour and squatters. Squatting in a residential property is a criminal offence, whereas squatting in a commercial property is seen as a civil offence, making it harder to evict trespassers. Property Guardians deter squatters and can give temporary residential status, providing greater legal protection to owners.

Weather Damage

During the winter season empty property is at heighten risk of weather damage. Roofs can become damaged through water penetrating through weather pointing or rendering and tiles can lift in extreme winds. It’s not just external areas at risk, internal areas of the property can quickly become water damaged. Burst pipes as a result of frozen pipes thawing out are a common issue and mould can quickly form from humidity and lack of ventilation, even if the property has been closed up for a short time.

Many of these issues are relatively straightforward and easy to fix, but the issue arises as the property is empty and the damage is not discovered until sometime after the event. By then the damage has worsened and repairs could run into thousands of pounds to rectify. Property Guardians secure empty property and are ae the condition of a building and report any faults as they occur. DEX has an in-house maintenance who can repair minor issues at zero cost to the property owner.

Pest Infestation

It’s not just humans who looks for shelter over the colder months. Pests, such as rats, mice and squirrels head for the warmth of a nest in winter, and empty properties are an easy target.

Aside from being a health issue and nuisance for neighbours, pests can also cause considerable damage to properties, particularly by gnawing through electric cables and timbers.

Property Guardians act as a huge deterrent. Not only are rodents deterred by humans, Guardians are able to alert DEX if any are spotted in or around the property. Early measures can then be taken to address the issue before a full infestation occurs.


Finally, if your property is vacant, you need to keep a weather eye on your insurance over the winter months. In many cases, a claim for damage caused by winter issues will only be upheld if the vacant property itself has been secured, well maintained and if the insurer has been informed that the property will be vacant.

Property Guardians protect the property around the clock, ensure it is visibly lived in and have access to DEX’s in-house 24/7 maintenance team should any issues arise. Insurance companies appreciate that having Property Guardians in place ensures the property is more secure that when using traditional security methods. Taking all reasonable steps in maintaining and securing your vacant property not only minimises the risk of problems but maximises the chance of insurance company support in the event of a crisis.

Why Use Property Guardians

If you have prop­er­ty that is cur­rent­ly or soon-to-be vacant, con­tact us to find out how DEX can secure empty property through Property Guardians,  reducing costs, risks and complexities associated with managing vacant properties, particularly in the winter months. Call us on 0800 0855 994 or email


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Empty Building Warning Issued, As Summer Holidays See An Increase In Urban Exploration

secure empty property

Officials warn of the dangers of trespasses entering derelict or empty buildings over the summer months and the legal implication this can have on Property Owners.

Lighter evenings and warmer weather leave more teenagers and young people looking for things to do over the summer holidays. Empty and derelict buildings can be a magnet for young people, but the recent craze for urban exploration can lead to anti-social behaviour, further damage to property or injuries to individuals.

It is a property owners’ responsibility to secure empty property or sites. Whether the property is residential or commercial, by law, the owner has to ensure it’s safe for a member of the public to enter or pass by. Derelict buildings should be secure and made as safe as possible. Failure to do so could result in the Property Owner be liable, should a trespasser injure themselves while onsite or in the building.

Councils, police and fire and rescue services have come together to reach out to owners of vacant property. They are urging owners to ensure their buildings are as secure as possible, especially over the summer months.

Tig Outlaw, Cabinet member for community safety and public protection, said “Many empty buildings are unlit and there is a risk of tripping or becoming impaled on railings trying to enter or exit a site. I would urge the public to report any sites of particular concern”

“Emergency services have to respond to all fires, and this includes those set deliberately in empty or unused properties.” Added Howard Watts, Senior Fire Officer. “Not only does it put our crew members at risk, it also means while we are responding to incidents of that nature, we are not able to respond as promptly to other emergencies.”

Backing the safety call, Superintendent Sarah Jackson from Hampshire Constabulary, said “We are working with partners to make sure that youngsters realise any empty building could have dangers inside and since these buildings are very often private property, they are trespassing.

“My message to owners is to make sure your site is secured and for the public to be aware of any suspicious activity. Although trespassing itself is not a criminal offence, it is often linked with criminal damage and anti-social behaviour, which we have a number of powers that we can use to tackle.”

How to secure empty property

DEX Property Management offers a solution – Property Guardians. Guardians secure empty property through occupation, providing a highly effective solution that is at zero cost to the property owner – in some cases, it can even provide a revenue. If you would like further information about how Property Guardians could help secure empty property you own or manage please email

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DEX announces ongoing support for homeless youth charity, LandAid


DEX Property Management has announced it will provide ongoing support for homeless youth charity, Landaid.

LandAid, which describes itself as ‘The Property Industry Charity’ brings the property industry together to provide safe and affordable accommodation for young people. As part of DEX’s support for the cause, the team will take part in a number of fundraising events over the coming months. These include a Mudathon, where DEX’s team of property experts and Property Guardians will compete in an extreme 5k challenge – dubbed the UK’s toughest obstacle course! In addition to this, the team is hoping to complete other challenges to raise much needed funds including sleeping on the streets for a night and Steptober.

DEX Property Management is keen to highlight the plight of homeless young people across the UK; something Managing Director Rogier Donkersloot believes can be reduced via the use of empty properties. He said ‘There are thousands of commercial and residential buildings sitting empty across the country. These buildings are falling into a state of disrepair and are susceptible to asset theft, break-ins, and anti-social behaviour. Often these buildings were once pillars of the community such as disused hospitals, care homes, libraries, and schools; to see them in a dilapidated condition when they could be used to provide affordable housing is wrong.’

In addition to their fundraising efforts, DEX has also pledged to implement a number of social commitments over the next year. These include taking on apprentices, work placements and volunteering to give back to the UK’s communities.

Rogier continued ‘We are pleased to be supporting youth homelessness through our fundraising efforts this year. The team at DEX are committed to supporting communities and helping to reduce homelessness. We will also match client donations to LandAid on a per Guardian, per month basis across our properties. We are hoping to get both staff and our Property Guardians involved in fundraising throughout the year. As part of our growing social commitment, we’ll also be endeavouring to give back to the community in other ways including litter picking and helping in local food banks.’

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Area Guide: Notting Hill

Notting Hill Property Guardian

Notting Hill is one of London’s most Instagrammable areas, with iconic pastel-coloured houses and a bustling, world famous market on its doorstep. It plays host to Europe’s biggest street festival every year, the Notting Hill Carnival, and it’s brimming with trendy bars, fantastic restaurants and one off shops.

Notting Hill really is the best of both worlds. Centrally located, you are a moments walk from Hyde Park and Oxford Street, but with a buzzy village, community vide. Traditionally thought to be a super exclusive and expensive area, Property Guardianship is opening up the area to a new generation of Londoners.  With monthly room prices on average 47% cheaper than traditional rent, it’s no wonder that more people are looking to become a Notting Hill Property Guardian.


You will be the envy of all your friends, because not only is Notting Hill super central, it is also really well serviced by transport links across London. Notting Hill Gate is the main Tube station in the area. It is served by the Central line, District line and Circle line. There is also Westbourne Park station and Ladbroke Grove station, both on the Hammersmith and City and Circle lines.

All stations are in Zone 2 and the annual travelcard to Zone 1 costs approx. £1,400 per year.

There are also a number of London bus routes servicing Ladbroke Grove and Notting Hill Gate, offering connections across London, 24 hours a day.

Eating Out

Neighbourhood restaurants and independent cafes dominate in Notting Hill and wherever you turn you will find something unique.

One of the most popular local spots is Granger and co, offering legendary breakfasts, served at the famous central communal table. Famous for fresh food in a friendly, relaxed setting this is a popular little brunch spot, so it is worth trying to book.

For more exotic flavours head to the buzzing E&O restaurant for a pan-Asian tapas fusion and delicious cocktails, that are out of this world. Another popular spot with locals is Essenza. A small and intimate Italian restaurant with a stylish and contemporary interior, located in the heart of Notting Hill Gate.


Notting Hill is home to many great pubs and there really is something for everyone. For a quiet pint, head to one of Notting Hills traditional pubs such as the Hillgate, The Cow and the Ladbroke Arms.

If you are into your music you will love The Elgin, which hosts a diverse mix of live music throughout the week.

Trailer Happiness is a retro Californian hideaway, oozing kitsch and cool. Just off London’s Portobello Road, it serves classic tiki cocktails.

Fancy staying out a bit later? Notting Hill Arts Club is the place to go. One big, colourful fiesta it is filled with music, art and plenty of big speakers. Big-name DJs and artists to have performed at the club include Bruno Mars and Lily Allen. The have something different each night of the week, from House Party Friday, complete with old school tunes and free sweets, to fun house Wednesdays, offering £2.50 drinks and £1 entry before 11pm.

Things to do.

You are never short of things to do in Notting Hill, you have some much right on your door step. But you can’t talk about Notting Hill without mentioning Portobello Road Market. The main market days are Friday and Saturday, although a smaller market takes place from Monday to Thursday. Nearly a kilometre long, Portobello market is jam packed with over 1000 boutique traders selling everything from antiques, clothes, fresh produce and much more.

Every August Bank Holiday Notting Hill comes alive with culture, colour and music, as millions of people celebrate Europe’s biggest street festival – the Notting Hill Carnival. Streets are filled with intricate costumes, steel bands, Calypso music and a variety of mouth-watering food.

Notting Hill is also a fantastic place to find small, independent art galleries such as Salon Contemporary and Graffik – a gallery dedicated to urban art.

What to become a Notting Hill Property Guardian with DEX property Management? We currently have a number of properties in the area – view the all here

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London Hotspots Where Property Guardians Save over 50% on Monthly Accommodation Costs

cheap rent london

Revealed: The London hotspots where property guardians are saving up to 60% on monthly accommodation costs

It’s no secret that rising accommodation costs in the UK’s capital have long been pricing millennials, keyworkers, and first time buyers saving for a mortgage out of London. Many are moving out of the capital to Kent, Surrey and the surrounding areas, but what’s the alternative if you want to find cheap rent in London?

Recent research by DEX Property Management reveals that one solution could be living as a property guardian. With shops and public buildings closing at an alarming rate, disused properties are being transformed across the city in to habitable living spaces in some of London’s most sought after postcodes. Property guardians pay a licensing fee as opposed to a traditional rent in order to live in empty residential or commercial properties. In return, they help to keep buildings secure and deter antisocial behaviour and squatters in London communities.

Property Guardians Save over 50% on their average monthly housing costs…

In trendy Camden, individuals can expect to pay up to 50% more on their average monthly housing cost than those living as property guardians. The areas of West London, Shepherds Bush and Marylebone also saw property guardianship offering licensing fees of up to 57% less than traditional monthly accommodation costs. One of the largest savings found by DEX was in business district Canary Wharf. Thanks to the area’s plethora of luxury apartments, those living as part of a guardianship agreement were found to save up to 61% on the cost of accommodation.*

There are a number of benefits to living as a property guardian. Guardianship allows people to live affordably in some of the UK’s major towns and cities where they otherwise could not afford to live in a central location. This has enabled first time buyers to save and many workers to live close to where they work, removing the costly commute to the capital.

The research conducted also revealed figures for places in the North West of the city, as well as the South East of London. Two areas which play home to a couple of the most iconic music venues in London; The o2 arena and Wembley Stadium also revealed interesting savings. In Greenwich, the average monthly standard room price was almost £845.55, compared to a typical guardian licensing fee of under £437.50 per month. In Wembley, rooms were found to be an average of almost £729.44 compared with guardian fees of £395 per calendar month.*

[button url=”” text=”infographic: Average Monthly Guardian Room Prices vs Private Sector Costs”]


Looking for cheap rent London?

To find out more about guardianship in London, please visit or email your enquiry to


*Average cheap rent London rental room prices from Spare room. Guardian prices from industry research conducted by DEX Property Management