DEX announces ongoing support for homeless youth charity, LandAid

DEX Property Management has announced it will provide ongoing support for homeless youth charity, Landaid.

LandAid, which describes itself as ‘The Property Industry Charity’ brings the property industry together to provide safe and affordable accommodation for young people. As part of DEX’s support for the cause, the team will take part in a number of fundraising events over the coming months. These include a Mudathon, where DEX’s team of property experts and Property Guardians will compete in an extreme 5k challenge – dubbed the UK’s toughest obstacle course! In addition to this, the team is hoping to complete other challenges to raise much needed funds including sleeping on the streets for a night and Steptober.

DEX Property Management is keen to highlight the plight of homeless young people across the UK; something Managing Director Rogier Donkersloot believes can be reduced via the use of empty properties. He said ‘There are thousands of commercial and residential buildings sitting empty across the country. These buildings are falling into a state of disrepair and are susceptible to asset theft, break-ins, and anti-social behaviour. Often these buildings were once pillars of the community such as disused hospitals, care homes, libraries, and schools; to see them in a dilapidated condition when they could be used to provide affordable housing is wrong.’

In addition to their fundraising efforts, DEX has also pledged to implement a number of social commitments over the next year. These include taking on apprentices, work placements and volunteering to give back to the UK’s communities.

Rogier continued ‘We are pleased to be supporting youth homelessness through our fundraising efforts this year. The team at DEX are committed to supporting communities and helping to reduce homelessness. We will also match client donations to LandAid on a per Guardian, per month basis across our properties. We are hoping to get both staff and our Property Guardians involved in fundraising throughout the year. As part of our growing social commitment, we’ll also be endeavouring to give back to the community in other ways including litter picking and helping in local food banks.’