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DEX Become ISO 9001 Accredited

DEX Property Management has successfully be awarded the ISO 9001 accreditation, highlighting our commitment to quality and service.
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Property Guardian Gardens

Property Guardian Gardens – Tips on Getting Them Spring Ready

Many property guardian properties (even the inner-city ones) come with outdoor space which guardians are responsible for looking after and maintaining. Spring is the perfect ...
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Empty School Buildings Rise As Primary School Enrolment Drops By 16.6%

Empty public buildings, such as schools, are attractive to vandals & squatters - Property Guardians protect the property whilst providing affordable housing.
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The Important Role Of DEX Reps In Our Houseshares

DEX Reps help our larger property guardian house shares running smoothly and harmoniously - DEX Reps, our Head Guardian Team.
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Guardianship: Solving the Housing Crisis by Addressing Vacancy

How property guardians can be part of the housing crisis solution - turning empty property into affordable, flexible housing.
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Harmonious Property Guardian Houseshares

Property Guardian houseshares. How to create harmonious and enjoyable property guardian communities in DEX guardian houseshares.
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Utility Bills & Empty Property

With ever increasing energy prices owners of empty property are often quick to disconnect utility supply altogether, but switching everything off can be short sighted ...
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Protecting Empty Property Against The Threat of Squatters

Squatters pose a huge threat to owners of empty commercial property across the UK, with unauthorised occupants causing damage to thousands of buildings across the ...
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Supporting Regeneration Projects Using Property Guardians

Replacing or developing ageing estates is a complex process. Although the end goal of more efficient, sustainable homes that work better for communities is always ...
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Cost of Living Crisis and the Rise of Property Guardians

2020 -2021 saw some 32,000 people apply to become property guardians in the UK, but according to a recent BBC article* that figure is set ...
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