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Shift on Crime Priorities is Blamed for a Resurgence in Metal Theft.

Asset Stripping

A former police inspector, who lead the National Metal Theft Taskforce, has blamed changing police priorities and a lack of enforcement of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act, on the sharp increase in metal theft and asset stripping over recent years.


The Scrap Metal Dealers Act, which was introduced in 2013, was brought in as a response to a sharp rise in metal theft between 2009 and 2011. The Act enforced stricter regulations, making it harder to dispose of stolen metal. The Act tightened requirements on scrap dealers to request and retain identification for cash sales.

Total offences halved in the three years after the act, but theft of items like gates and fencing, often picked up by mobile collectors, have climbed higher than when rules were tightened in recent years. Home Office data shows some areas such as Dorset have reported a rise in metal theft by almost 300 per cent in the year 2017/2018.

Expert Opinion

In a recent interview with East Anglian Daily Times, Robin Edwards, former police inspector said: “We’re now in a position where it’s no longer a priority, and the reality is, they’re struggling to meet the priorities they do have.

“The only way to prevent it from rising to similar levels is to enforce the act, but resource demand is significant. Many dealers haven’t bothered re-licensing because nobody’s checking.

“They had been encouraged to improve traceability, but that’s only on the basis it’s enforceable.

“The act made a massive difference, but it’s only sustainable if enforceable. It seems responsibility now lies entirely with the asset owners.

“In the face on an increase in violent crime, it’s unlikely available resources are going to be available to tackle the problem. The problem needs an approach that can’t necessarily rely on police forces.

The Impact of Asset Stripping

Recent examples of this type of crime are incessant. Just last week a man was caught causing criminal damage in excess of £186,000, leaving communities ‘significantly out of pocket’ after stealing lead from six churches across several Home Counties.

In another recent example an old NHS hospital was targeted by metal thieves, who stole cables, pipes and lead toppers estimated to have a value in excess of £1m. The theft occurred despite the trust spending £1.5m securing the site through with fencing and boarding and other more traditional security methods.

The reality is that property owners need to take their own steps to ensure their empty properties are protected from the rise in asset stripping and metal thefts.  Traditional security is no longer a fail-safe option.

The Solution

Property Guardians provide a multi-levelled solutions for securing empty property. Live-in Guardians protect against threats such as squatting and dilapidation. They also deter vandals and thieves from targeting empty property for lead, copper and other metals.

Securing your property through occupation provides a highly effective solution and it is at zero cost to the property owner – in some cases, it can even provide a revenue. If you would like further information about how Property Guardians could help protect an empty property you own or manage please email

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9 Benefits of Being a Property Guardian

Property Guardianship Benefits

With 4 in 10 Londoners considering leaving the capital due to spiralling housing costs, Property Guardianship is offering a new, affordable alternative to renting.


It is estimated that there are currently between 7,000 and 10,000 Property Guardians across the UK, but it is thought that figure could rise to more than 100,000 as people look for other options to tackle the countries housing crisis.

The concept is simple – Property Guardian providers take on empty properties and regeneration projects in great locations on behalf of Property Owners and convert them into unique habitable living spaces. These spaces are then made available for people to live in, on a flexible basis, in exchange for a low monthly fee and help looking after the property.

DEX, one of the UK’s leading Property Guardian providers, explores the benefits of Property Guardianship and why more people are turning to this growing sector.

1. Cost savings

Property Guardians save on average 50% – 60% on housing costs compared to their neighbours. Significantly reducing living costs, gives Guardians more disposable income to save towards a deposit for a property of their own, take a holiday of a life time or just live a more comfortable quality of life.

2. Live in Great Locations

Given that DEX licence fees are significantly cheaper than local rental prices, Guardians can afford to live in normally expensive, desirable locations, such as city centres for much less money[/grid_column][grid_column]

3. Reduce Monthly Outgoings

Property Guardians don’t just save on accommodation. Many shared properties are inclusive of all bills and council tax, making it easier to budget each month. Many guardianship properties are located in city centres, meaning Guardians also benefit from a significant reduction in their commuting costs.

4. Interesting Properties

Property Guardians get to experience living in a huge range from houses and flats. DEX currently have Guardians living in unique properties from schools and convents through to police stations, office blocks and libraries.

5. Large Living Space

The majority of DEX properties provide larger living space than other homes on the market – space that DEX has seen Guardians use as art studios, freelance space or home gyms.

6. Range of Properties

Traditionally, people associate guardianship with living within a shared property. Although this is often the case, DEX offers a range of property from large community living spaces through to self-contained flats – all at below market rate.


7. Growing Community

Property Guardians enjoy living with like-minded individuals and are part of a growing Guardian community.

8. Giving Meaningful Use.

The reason properties might be vacant varies, but often they are waiting to be sold or for planning permission. Property Guardians’ bring these buildings back into meaningful use, benefitting the whole community. By simply living there, Guardians protect the property for the Owner and in return receive a great place to live and low-cost accommodation.[/grid_column][/grid]

9. Flexible Accommodation

Being a property guardian is slightly different from a traditional tenancy agreement and as a result it offer a more flexible living arrangement. Guardians operate under a licence agreement, meaning both parties can terminate the agreement with 28 days’ notice. This gives Guardians a level of flexibility that traditional renting doesn’t.

If Guardians wish to carry on being a Guardian when their property is handed back, DEX will find an alternative, low cost, property to secure.

If you are looking for low cost accommodation, in great locations and would like more information about Property Guardianship, contact DEX Property Management on or call 0800 0855 994.

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Sharp Increase in Housing Associations Using Property Guardians to Protect Empty Property

Property Guardian Providers

A new infographic by leading Property Guardian provider, DEX Property Management, illustrates the increasing use of Property Guardians by Housing Associations across the UK.

Housing Associations, including many of the G15, are increasingly choosing Property Guardianship. This is because it offers a cost effective, efficient and flexible way of securing empty commercial and residential housing stock, undergoing regeneration or redevelopment.


Property Guardianship – The Mutual Benefits

This mutually beneficial service sees Guardians protect property against risk of vacancy, including squatters, vandalism and dilapidation. In return they get to live in unique property, often in great locations at a fraction of the market rate.

The benefit for Housing Association is huge. Empty property remains in meaningful use, and the site is secure and well maintained. Property Guardians can be used to backfill a property throughout a decant process. Ensuring the property remains a pleasant place to live for other residents, at what can sometimes be a sensitive time.

Placing Property Guardians can help facilitate a faster sale or redevelopment of the site. The property remains in constant use, improving its aesthetic appearance and protecting against dilapidation. Because Property Guardians sign a licence to occupy, they hold no tenancy rights & the property will remain on a monthly rolling contract which can be handed back fully vacant, within 28 days. This provides Housing Associations with more flexibility over providing notice for vacant possession.

In addition, there are significant costs savings that Housing Associations are able to realise through Property Guardianship. Traditional security methods cost each property on average £60,000 pa.  Property Guardians are provided at zero cost to the Housing Associations and in many cases can even provide revenue.

Traditional security costs associated with vacant property can be significant – DEX’s service is FREE and, in some cases, can even provide revenue. Please do contact us for further information on

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8 Guardian Decorating Tips That Won’t Break The Bank.


Have you recently moved into a DEX Guardian property? Do you want to spruce it up and inject some personality into your new room without breaking the bank?

The DEX Guardian Team have be getting some decorating hacks from fellow Guardians to will give you some design inspiration.


  1. Go Green

House plants are everywhere at the moment and are a relatively cheap and an easy way to quickly inject some personality into a room. Not only can they help introduce a touch of colour they have also been proven to help clean the air and reduce stress.

  1. Bed Down

Investing in some new bed linen is a great way to give your Guardian bedroom an instant lift.  Bright colours and modern designs will help give a room contemporary feel.

  1. Think Modular

Modular storage is great for Guardians as it is easy to move around between properties, and can fit any size or shape room. You can use it to showcase your prized possessions to inject some added personality and colour into a space.

  1. Lights, cameras, action.

Lighting is a great way to change the feel of a room. Add a bold pedant light to give some added wow factor, or add some side or floor lights to help control the mood of the room.

  1. Upcycle

Take a piece of budget furniture and inject some personality with a revamp. Paint it, stencil it or recover it to match your room. You can even add some new handles to give it an instant new lease of life.

  1. In the Frame

Add some bold pictures to walls to make a room feel homelier. If you can’t make holes in the wall simply lean large prints against walls or on top of furniture. Alternatively there are many nail-less hanging options on the market.

  1. Treat your Feet

Adding a statement rug can instantly change the look and feel of a room. It can also make it feel a lot warmer and cosier on cold winter evenings.

  1. Mirrors

Adding a large mirror to you room will help give an illusion of added space. It will also help a room feel lighter and airier.

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Councils Set to Double Council Tax on Empty Property

Empty Property Council Tax

UK councils are set to increase council tax on empty property by to up to 300% as they are given increased powers to get tough on empty houses.


From April 2019 councils across the country will be allowed to charge additional council tax on empty homes. This follows Peers backing of an amendment to the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwelling) Act 2018, giving councils the power to increase council tax levied on property that remains ‘unoccupied and substantially unfurnished’.

Empty Property Council Tax Changes.

Under the new plans, empty homes premium thresholds on council tax bills for homes left empty for between two and five years can increase from 50 per cent to up to 100 per cent.

For homes empty for between 5 and 10 years, councils are able to increase the premium by up to 200 per cent and up to 300 per cent for homes empty for 10 years or more. There are currently over 11,000 properties empty for over 10 years across the UK.

Birmingham City council is one council set to double council tax for landlords of empty property. It is estimated that the new proposal could increase council tax revenue for the city by £1.15m per year.

Brighton and Hove City council, Gloucestershire County Council, Stoke City Council and Reading Council are amongst many of the councils who have already announced increase tax on empty homes. With many more up and down the country planning to introduce the rise over the next few weeks.

Government Backing for Tax Changes.

The changes come after a recent poll showed 86% of MPs agreed that the government should be placing a higher priority on bringing empty homes back into use. Cabinet member, Jennie Watkins said: Homes that are standing empty not only often attract anti-social behaviour or vandalism but are also often places that could make perfectly good homes for people that are homeless.”

Property Guardianship can provide Property Owners with an effective, cost efficient and professional solution to temporarily manage empty buildings while a more long term use is established.

The Property Guardian Solution.

At DEX Property Management, we place extensively vetted Property Guardians into vacant buildings to protect the property from squatting, vandalism and dilapidation. All at no cost to Property Owners. In return, Property Guardians benefit from affordable and flexible accommodation. It is a win-win situation.

Once Property Guardians are protecting the property the building is classed as occupied and the council will be informed. The property will not be subject to the premium as it is no longer classed as void.

For more information about how property guardians can reduce the risks, costs and complexities of managing your empty home, please call 0800 0855 994. Or email

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Property Guardian Companies Conduct First Census of the Sector

Property Guardian

90% of Property Guardians were accommodated in the same property for over 6 months, according to the first industry census.


Key Findings

  • 90% of Property Guardians were accommodated in same property for 6 months or more
  • 1 in 4 Property Guardians have been in the same accommodation for over 18 months
  • 25% of Guardians are in their thirties
  • Over 60% paid less than £500 a month in license fees

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Compiled from data supplied by the leading Property Guardian Providers, the census supplies information on the number of Guardians, their age range, occupations, length of stay and the cost of their accommodation, as well the spend the management companies had to budget for, to ensure the properties met health and safety regulations.

The census found that 1 in 4 Guardians remained in the same property for over 18 months. 60% of Property Guardians resided in their accommodation for over a year and 89% stayed for at least 6 months.

Despite the opinion that Property Guardianship is predominantly targeted at millennials the census data indicates that 12% of Guardians are actually in the forties. Whilst the largest proportion of Guardians (45%) were in their twenties a further quarter were in their thirties.

In terms of occupations, those working in the arts and creative industries form 35% of guardians, whilst key workers are the next biggest employment group, with 30%, and one in five (20%) are from the medical, accountancy or legal professions.

The majority of guardians (60%) paid less than £500 a month for their accommodation, 20% paid £500-£700 a month, 15% £700-£900 a month and only 5% paid more than £900.

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The Cost of Winter on Vacant Properties

vacant properties

With cold weather fast approaching, leading insurance firms are urging customer to prepare. It is reported that 1 in 1000 properties will fall victim to burst pipes this winter, with an average claim reaching a massive £25,000 and a total insurance bill in excess of £1bn.

Leading insurer AXA has recently published statistics* stating that during the previous two winters customers were three times more likely to claim against an escape of water claim than theft. The average cost of a claim is reported to reach £25,000, highlighting a significant risk to property owners – a threat that is increased for landlords of vacant property.

DEX Property Management is warning landlords with vacant property to ensure they are well protected this winter. As daylight hours and temperatures drop, now is the time to prepare, says Rogier Donkersloot, Managing Director of DEX “Vacant property is at significantly more risk over the winter months. As cold weather sets in it can cause water systems to freeze, resulting in burst pipes. The damage can be significant, and the clean-up bill can run into thousands, not to mention it can also cause major delays in future plans for the property.”

Rogier continues “One of the most effective ways to prevent such a catastrophe is to place property guardians into a property. Bringing the property back into meaningful use reduces the chance of pipes freezing in the first place, as water and heating systems are in constant use. If in the unlikely event anything minor should occur, guardians are on hand to report the issue as soon as it happens, and a member of the DEX maintenance team will be on hand to resolve the issue before significant damage is caused.”

“It’s not the only benefit” continues Rogier “Darker evenings often bring an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour. Property guardians are an extremely effective and low-cost deterrent.”

For more information about how DEX Property Guardians can bring peace of mind this winter please contact us on the details below.
